
Can I become a teacher with a non-violent felony in my past?

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It can NEVER be expunged, so that is not an option.




  1. da

  2. No. You will never pass the finger printing.

  3. It will be difficult, but depending on the circumstances of the conviction, it may be waived in certain districts or certain states, it truly depends on what it was for and what you are qualified to teach.  If you teach social studies, maybe not.  If you teach math or science, hard to get teachers courses, and have proven your debt to society is paid and behind you, it "can be done", but you will need to search for where you can be marketable.

  4. Different states have different rules on this; check with your state's Department of Education.

  5. I don't believe you can, because all school systems require fingerprinting and background checks now.

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