
Can I become a vegetarian?

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I am a 14 year old girl. I love meat but when I think about it afterwards, I feel like barfing because I know what happens to those animals in the factory: TORTURE!! I want to become a vegetarian but I need to know if that is okay for my age or if I still need some of the nutrients from meat. Are there any supplements I need to take?

Also, my mom won't allow me to become a vegetarian, how can I make her agree with my decision.?




  1. you could become one, but it will be very hard. I agree with you, meat is so tasty but afterwards when I think about it, I'm like "wow i'm a horrible person". Talk to your mom about eating more tofu\eggs and stuff instead of meat. And vegans can eat fish\shrimp\seafood I think, so yeah:)

    I think it is alright.

    But make sure your mom agrees

  2. Iv'e never actually eaten meat, so i can't give you a very good perspective, but i'd always eaten fish. I stopped when i was just a bit younger than you, because i realised it's just as cruel to kill a fish as is is to kill any other animal. And it hasn't done me any harm. There's plenty of alternatives, which will give you all nutrients you need. Talk to your mom and explain that this is something that is important to you. If you need any more persuasion, just watch the following video. some people say it just shows the extremes of meat production, but trust me, this kind of evil torture happens every day and its time we did something to end it.

  3. Yes u can be a vegetarian...and no-one can tell u that u 14 and ive been a vegetarian for 6 months now..i was just like u, i lovvvedd meat, but thinking of the poor animals sickened me...

    You can eat tofu instead, its like a meat substitute, not the nicest food ever but its edible, flavourless and VERY good for u

    if there were more vegetarians in this world it would be a better place!

  4. i felt the same way about eating meat. i bacame a vegetarian about a couple weeks ago

    u dont need to take any supplements if u eat other sources of protein. you can get it from nuts, peanut butter (OMG YUM!!!!), and tofu, and if u still eat eggs and dairy, u can get protein from that too. my doctor says that some beans (not green beans) have protein too

    ur mom wont let u become a vegetarian? why?if shes concerned about ur health, do some research and prove her wrong!

    i hope things turn out well! congrats about thinking to be vegetarian! i hope ur mom changes her mind!

  5. Meat is important to humans because we are more of a carnivore than a herbivore (animals who have eyes pointing forwards are carnivores) it has been proven that you are more healthier eating meat and veg. If you don't like the thought of animal torture you can buy free range chickens and stuff that had a good, free life when your older. That's what I'm gonna do. If I did that it would be no different from a wolf killing a deer.

  6. You don't need any expensive specialty products to be vegetarian. If you go shopping with your parents, you can find everything that you need and none of it will look completely out of the ordinary like things such as Tofurkey or tofu would.

    The sooner that you start learning to cook, the better. If you can cook mot of your own meals and clean up your mess, there is no excuse for your parents to object.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help if you see proof that vegetarian people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  7. i'm a cannibal

  8. Anyone can become a vegetarian; just stop eating meat.

    As long as you eat a balanced diet, you should be okay.  But it cannot hurt to take a supplement just in case.  

    As for your mom not allowing you, you should find out why she objects and allay her concerns.  Does she not want to cook two meals?  Offer to help with the cooking.  If she can make the sides vegetarian, the rest of the family can eat the meat entree while you have a vegetarian meat substitute.  If she's making a casserole, she can make half meat, half veg, and cook in two separate dishes.  You should offer to cook once a week, even if all you do is make pasta.

    Is she worried about nutrition?  Go to to find out nutritional information.  There are also sites out there geared towards vegetarian teenagers.  Look around for them, and you should be able to find information on nutrition.

    good luck!

  9. I became vegetarian at 16 and my little sister, who was 14, went veg at the same time.  According to the American Dietetic Association, the world's largest organization of nutrition professionals, a properly planned vegetarian diet is appropriate for ALL life stages, from babies to kids to teen to adults to pregnant and nursing mothers.  People raise their kids vegetarian from birth all the time.  And the American Academy of Pediatrics (health care for people under 18) agrees as well.

    Getting all of your required nutrients on a vegetarian diet is really not that complicated.  People often think that meat is the only way to get enough protein, but they are really not right at all about that.  Soybeans and soy foods (like tofu and veggie burgers) are a great source.  Beans and other legumes (like peanuts, lentils and chickpeas,) whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and eggs are all good sources as well.  If you're eating a balanced diet, you can easily get everything you need.  Read up on sources of calcium and iron as well.  Once you've done your reading, decide whether you think you need to take supplements.  Lots of people, meat eaters and veg*ns alike, take a multivitamin every day because it's nice insurance for days when you haven't eaten as well as you could have.

    If you want your mom to agree with your decision, you have to convince her that you're serious and that you've done your research.  You also have to know *why* she disagrees, so you can address her specific concerns.  Like, if she thinks making meals for you will be a pain, offer to help with the cooking.  Whether or not nutrition is her main concern, she will be impressed if she knows that you've learned all about it.  A really good resource is "The New Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina; see if you can find it in the library.  If you go over it with your mom, she'll see that not only is vegetarianism healthy, it can be a lot healthier than a meat-centered diet.  There are also websites geared towards vegetarian nutrition for kids and teens.

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