
Can I become an airline pilot with tatoo?

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I have a tatoo in my upper arm but I'm able to cover it with short sleeve from my T-shirt. Will this tatoo prevents me from becoming an airline pilot? My tatoo looks like this:

Thanks alot!!!




  1. If it doesn't p**s somebody off you're fine. But there's no law against descrimination of tatoos so keep it to yourself. But if you ask me? Ah, doesn't matter what I think, I ain't hiring.

  2. A candidate without a tatoo will be hired before a candidate that has one.

  3. yes

  4. There's probably no official policy about this. As long as you don't look like mike tyson (face tatoo), it should matter.

    Good Luck...

    P.S.  even if there's no official policy don't talk about the tatto.  That is what job interviews are for, to find fault that doesn't show up on resume.

  5. As long as it is not vissable you should be fine. I have one on my shoulder and only my aviation doctor knows about it. I have never had someone ask me.

  6. Yes you can become an airline pilot with your tattoo. There are no rules against such tattoos as you have.

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