
Can I begin running after having a pulmonary embolism?

by  |  earlier

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It might be a stupid question, as it's probaby rare cases only, but could I begin running on a regular basis despite having had a blood clot on the lung?

I am seventeen and I am taking Warfarin until next month, and was hoping to begin training for the marathon then, ready for next year. Would it be best to consult my doctor beforehand, or is it irrelevant?




  1. It all depends upon the level of the decease, what cure you received, which doctor you visited combining these elements you will get your answer. besides the best answer no doubt will be by the doctor.
    And it also depends upon this fact the what will be the intensity of your exercise. As you mentioned you are going to be exercising for the marathon then it do sound like you are joking because it is never an exercise to get your self ready for marathon. Where you will be crowded with countless people around you.

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