
Can I begin to take dance classes at 13?

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I really want to take dance, and I've never had any experience with dancing or anything like that. Most kids I see in dance class have been dancing since they were 5 or something. So is it possible to be put in a class with kids my age that are just beginning dance and will go as slow paced as me? any help or advice or anything would be great.

thanks! [:




  1. Of course you can!

    My mom started karate at 38!

    Answer mine ??;...

  2. Yes there are beginner classes for kids your age.  So you should look for one in your area.  It's never too late if that is what you want to do.  A lot of YMCA's have hip hop and other dance classes so I am sure you will find one!

  3. YES!!! i started when i was 11 and at the start of my second year I went on pointe! so yes there are classes that will be for you I hope you do it!!!!!

  4. sure thing!!! you can start at any age. most kids that start at age 5 will probably quit by age 11 as I have. I quit last year. the only thing is that you might be put in some of the younger classes to start with (ex. 15 with 11yo to start with but will mive up levels quikly) .

    best of wishes


  5. I started when i was 13 too. I did fine :]

  6. you would be in a younger class if you hav none experance wat so ever i stared at 3 so yahh  

  7. You are never to old to dance. If that is what you want to do go for it!!!

    Yes you should be able to get in dance class with kids your own age!!!

  8. Of course you can start at 13....

    Most studios offer classes for beginners for older aged girls because they know that ya it can be very  uncomfortable to be in a dance class with little kids in it... what i would do is go into some of the studios around your area and ask what kind of classes they offer for your age group and the type of style...they will normally have a few classes for you to choose from...

    Have Fun and IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO START ANYTHING....there are men and women who will start taking classes at like the age of 40...

    Just to remember have fun and that you can do anything you set your mind to..

    : )

  9. Of course you can:)

    A lot of people are new to dance, some may have started earlier.

    But there are many new people aswell.

    Just go to a local dance studio, and ask for one of their brochures and they will explain all of the levels.

    It'll be fine!

    Good luck, and have fun :D

  10. you may have to start off with younger kids at first until you get the basics down but you will eventually move up with kids your own age. any age is a perfect age to start :).

  11. It's definitely possible. Look around in your area for any dance schools and I guarantee you that there will be a beginner dance class (of your choice) just for teens (around 13-16 years of age). Go to Google or Yellowpages and type in "Dance in (where you live)" without the quotation marks and you should get several choices =)

    Just a note:

    It is never too late to do something. People say, "Oh, I'm too old," or "I should have started when I was __ years old," but really, those are just excuses. If you want to do something, go for it! The only that will hinder you is your lack of commitment. If you really want something, practice and eventually you can do whatever you really desire to achieve!

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