
Can I breed my 1 year old female Show Rabbit?

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My daughter has a 1 year old show rabbit and she is getting a 4-6 month old male show rabbit and she wants to know if she can breed the two of them. If anyone has any information on this we would be grateful for the information. We have asked her 4-H teacher and he didn't give us to much information. We have taken a long time thinking and have owners that want babes so that is not a problem but we just don't know about the ages thing.




  1. Yeah sure!

  2. I agree with Alex and Susan.  There are thousands and thousands of unwanted "pet" rabbits desperate to find good homes.

    PLEASE do not add to this problem.  Get both buns neutered and they can live happily together as a bonded pair.

    Anyone who wanted a baby rabbit from you can find plenty of adorable buns to choose from at a local shelter.


  3. No

  4. Shame on that leader.  Tell him to join the A.R.B.A and learn about rabbits.

    You can google American Rabbit Breeders Association and become a member.  Or better have your daughter join at $8. its a good way to get information.  Also ask them to sell you a Breed Standard so your daughter will breed responsibly.Your doe is old enough but the buck will be to young at six months I'm assuming that you are getting the same breed of rabbit. and the person you are getting the young ones from has that breed.  See if they will breed your doe for you.  Remember also when it is time to breed take the female to the male.

  5. If the doe has just turned a year old, then yes you can try.ost breeders begin breeding the does when they hit maturity around 6 months. The older a doe is the first time she is bred the harder it is for her to become pregnant. If the buck is 6 months then yes try as soon as the 2 week quarantine for him is over.

    I am assuming they are the same breed and both have full 3 generation pedigrees? If so then go for it. Do remember that many times does do not know what to do the first time through with a litter. Many does lose the first ones. If this happens you can rebreed her immediately as does are most receptive right after kindling.

    Please do more research on what you will need for the doe and get everything ready. gestation is 28-35 days with the average being 31 days.

    If you need more help you can email me privately

  6. yes u can

  7. Sure can...won't be too difficult....LOL ;-)

  8. I love rabbits, but does the world really need another rabbit breeder? The shelters in my area are overcrowded with abandoned rabbits already.

  9. Make sure the buck or male is 6 months old before you breed them.  The doe or female is good but don't breed her over 2 years old.

  10. Yes you can.

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