
Can I bring cactus from VietNam to Australia? If yes, pls tell me how to package it?

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Can I bring cactus from VietNam to Australia? If yes, pls tell me how to package it?




  1. If you are in VN, ask the AU embassy - they will probably say no.

    If you are in AU, as the local ag officials - they will probably say no.

    Don't try and sneak anything in, because from what I am told, they are pretty draconian!

  2. Normally you can not take plants in to Australia.

    If you try it, make sure you declare it, as someone said before, the Australia Customs are very good and very strict !

  3. It is best not to do so as this will entail a lot of quarantine checks before the plant can be cleared into Australia. It will be easier for you to look for a similiar plant within Australia itself. I am sure there will be some around.

    But if you must, the following is the site to tell you how to do it:

    You need to follow the information strictly or you will be penalised.

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