
Can I bring my AR-15 with me when I move to California?

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I don't live in Mexico I'm actually getting out of the Army and bought a rifle because I know in Cali I cannot buy an AR-15.




  1. Only if you're a legal U.S. citizen.  If you're illegal, it will be racist to even imply that you may be armed.

  2. Not legally. But they don't search your car unless you are coming in from Mexico, and not usually then. The big buggaboo in California is you can't bring in fresh produce.

    If the AR-15 is out of sight and you forget it is there, don't worry about it.

    California has some of the most draconian and unconstitutional

    firearms laws in the world. Most of them based on myth and pushed by one individual whop wants to make some sort of "name" for himself.

  3. No, they have a checkpoint at the border crossing where you will need to turn it in.

  4. I own 3 AR-15's and live in California.  You can have AR-15's in California if they are configured properly and NOT on CA's  assault weapons ban list.  And yes, you can buy AR-15's here, that's where i got mine.

    You need to equip your AR-15 with a bullet button mag lock kit before you move here, make sure your AR-15 receiver is not in the assault weapons ban list, and DO NOT bring any 30 round mags with you, 10 round only.

    Here is some good reading on building a Cali Legal AR-15.  read the forums there too, good info. Most guys on that forum have AR-15's and almost all live in CA.

    Heck, you can even have AK-47's in Cali to, I've got a bunch of those.

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