
Can I bring my iPod on the amtrak?

by Guest59010  |  earlier

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uhm, roxylover or whatever, amtrak isnt a plane.




  1. Sure can! I always do to pass the time.

  2. why would you do such a thing

  3. Can't think of any reason why not unless it doubles as a lethal weapon. Just use common sense and respect in your volume levels and there should be no problems :) Even if it's loud the most people will do is complain.

  4. Of course!

  5. Yes but only if the flight attendant likes your music NO NO just kidding :).

    Yes you can bring your Ipod. While you are taking off your flight attendant will anounce to fassen your seatbelts and turn off ALL electronic devices so turn it off. THEN they will announce that you may use approved electronic devices (which includes your Ipod). But your flight will more then likely have music on provided if you have earphones but it is kinda lame music in my oppinion : /.          ENJOY THE FLIGHT :)

    for more information on what you can and cant bring on with you click here

  6. Yes. It isn't like the airplanes or anything where you need to turn in off when you take off or land. You can use it at anytime. It doesn't cause any interfearance.

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