
Can I bring my partner of 2yrs back, after deportation?

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Can I bring my partner of 2yrs back, after deportation?




  1. I very much doubt it as they did not respect UK law before - that's why they were deported.

  2. Wouldn't have thought so.

  3. no but your free to join them

  4. No they have a 10 year ban

  5. Absolutely!

  6. Was she deported or removed? if she was deported, she has 10 years ban but if removed  and you have all documents to support her stay, you might have a chance.

  7. no hope not anyway

  8. As your partner has been deported, we can assume British law has been abused?. Under such circumstances maybe your choice should be to join him and make your life in a country where you both will respect the laws of that land.

  9. If he was deported then he obviously did something wrong and broke British law.  So what makes you think we would want him back?

    Maybe you should go to live in his country instead?

  10. no chance. you'l have to go live in your partners country.

  11. deported you say??? why do you think we want him back in then??? go out and see him, and possibly dont come back

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