
Can I bring plants from India or US to Canada in plane?

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I was trying to find a Curry Leaf plant in Toronto, Canada locally, but I was unable to find it anywhere here. So, I am thinking of getting the plant from either US of India while I travel through plane in a small pot along with me. Is it possible? What are the requirements, if I want to do this? To be able to bring a plant along with me while i travel from US or India to Toronto, Canada?

Please let me know in detail.




  1. I believe you need a special license to import plants of any type.  Check with customs before you leave to find out what sorts of documents you will require.

  2. The airport authorities do NOT allow any plants, animals, or  perishable foods from outside Canada. (The rules about plants and animals is to prevent diseases from coming in and affecting Canadian flora or fauna.) You could contact border officials for details on more restrictions.

    Almost all plants cannot be mailed in either. It could possibly be opened by border inspectors, and confiscated.

  3. Like that's going to happen.

    You can try to smuggle it in, but there are heavy fines if you get caught and you run the risk of bringing in parasites or plants that will disrupt the native plants so I really don't suggest it.

    Check with Canada Customs if it's legal for you to do and to place the plant in quarantine for a specified period of time. They'll be able to tell you if you can or not.

  4. Probably not.  If you can find a dealer in the states willing to ship you one it might be posible.

  5. take just the root and put it in a wet napkin and in a plastic bag. That's the way i got mediterranean lavander to Canada. Psst,don't tell anyone :))

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