
Can I bring recyclable cans over US border into Canada?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to be in Maine partying and acquiring a lot of recyclable cans. After spending my time in Maine I am traveling to Canada for a few days, and I thought "hey why not bring all of my empty cans, that i would normally recycle for 5cents each in the US, to Canada and get 10 cents each?" Is this possible to do? Have others done it? Does the currency exchange have any effect with it?




  1. Recyclable cans made in the US are not accepted in Canada for recycling, and vice versa.  Something to do with different metal content.  Keep your US cans for recycling when you get back home and make sure you turn in your Canadian empties while still in Canada.  Good luck!!

  2. they will see they are marked with fluid ounces and not milliliters.... they do check for that

    and you will receive 1 cent for each can

    keep your cans at home and get more money

    the fact that the recyclables bring more money here is because they are taxed that way as they are sold in canada to encourage recycling, you are inquiring about a fraud.... you didn't pay the higher tax/recycle fee and are not entitled to collect it back

    frauds aren't welcome here, just stay home

  3. Actually being the same brands does not make a difference. What makes a difference is where they originate. A pespi (or any other soft drink can) bought in one place is not necessarily recyclable in another. For example, Quebec pays 10 cents and Ontario pays 5 cents. Quebec cans are marked as such and cannot be recycled for money in Ontario and vise versa. Those living near the border - say Ottawa - collect both and just run across the border but if we were in say Dryden, the Quebec cans would not be of any value. While the differences are not terribly obvious, the recycle outlets know what cans are acceptable in their area and would turn you down on those that are not. I do not know if this is the case between all provinces but I think it is. It is based on  the deposit you pay and to which province you pay it. We have not annexed Maine yet so I think Maine cans have to be taken back to Maine.

    Don't send hate mail! I was just joking about annexing Maine. lol

  4. Actually, since they are all the same brands in both places, it doesnt matter.  The depots dont scan bar codes or anything, they just count your stuff.  Cans are only 5cents, and bottles are 10cents.  Grocery stores and liquor stores return prices are different tho, because of the glass and the price you pay for the beer or whatever.  Its only to give you back more money after buying the liquopr, not because the can value is different.  I have taken US cans in, and they dont care a single bit.  Coke is Coke, and the tin is all squashed anyways.

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