
Can I build up a culture of bacillus accidophilus?

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I used to have a type of accidophilus culture that looks like cottage cheese and if we leave it milk, it will turn it to yogurt. Very very healthy! Then one day I travelled and the people who stayed home left the curds in water, and not milk, and they died...

I haven't been able to ever find it again for sale. Does anybody know where I can get it from?

Also I thought of just buying capsules of accidophilus baccilus at the health food store, and break a few into milk to see if those curds will grow. Has anybody tried it that way? Does it work?




  1. Buy yogurt from the store with live cultures of bacillus acidophilus, and you can use that to grow it in milk as you were doing before.  I have made yogurt doing this with a sample from store bought yogurt.  I know someone who buys those drinks with live cultures, and he grows it in milk instead of continuing to buy the drinks.  

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