
Can I buy a Plane Ticket and get a Passport at 16? w/o my parents knowing?

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Can I buy a Plane Ticket and get a Passport at 16? w/o my parents knowing?




  1. Nope... legally your still a minor. All minor needs a guardian to buy plane ticket and to get a passport.

  2. If you have a credit card you can definitely buy a Plane ticket. Getting a passport, very difficult.

  3. According to the state department web site (link is listed below for you to read):

    For All Minors Under Age 16:

    Each minor child shall appear in person.

    All applications for children under 16 require both parents' or legal guardians' consent.

    For All Minors Ages 16 & 17:

    Each minor child shall appear in person.

    For security reasons, parental consent may be requested.

    If your child does not have identification of his/her own, you need to accompany your child and present identification.

  4. You can certainly book a plane ticket. All you have to do is have a credit or debit card and call the airline.

    As far as a passport, its a little more complex. It may be hard to do that without them finding out, but legally you could still do it.

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