
Can I buy a car with just a permit?

by  |  earlier

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Hi guys how are you???Anyway guys, I was just wonderin if I can purchase a car without a license? Here's my plan, I have a permit. I want to get a car so I can practice with someone who has DL. They wouldnt let me used their car of course Im not used to it. I had a instructor before he said I can drive but I need a lil bit more practice. If ever I got a car of course I'll drive it with someone who has Valid DL. Coz i'm planning to get my DL next month. What do you guys thinks?any suggestion? Coz seriously, im so sick and tired my Dad tellin me that I cant do this I cant do that...or makes me feel bad.....Advice please?And one reason I nees to get a car coz I have a lot job offers in Downtown which is they pay good. Thanks guys!




  1. Yah you can buy the car without a license.  Yes, you can drive it by following the rules on your permit, in my state, CA, permitted drivers need a licensed driver, aged 25 or older, to accompany them in the front passanger seat.

  2. You do not need a license to buy a car. However, you are correct in saying you do need one to drive it ;)

  3. You don't need a drivers license to own or purchase a vehicle.

    The two are unrelated.  A license gives you the privilege to drive on public roads.  It is not a purchasing permit of any type.

    Lots of people without licenses own cars.  Illegal aliens, blind people, kids that only drive on race tracks, people that have inherited property, people that have had their license taken away, etc...  

    If you have any doubt, go give a seller cash for his vehicle, he will sign over the title and write you a receipt...   Congrats, you now own a vehicle.

  4. Are you in USA - this is the general way things work in USA:

    anyone can OWN a car - so, yes, you can buy a probably will need to pay for it in cash with the situation you are in.

    Can YOU drive it, responsibly and lawfully? I don't think so. You'll need insurance and as far as I know you can't be insured if you don't have a license. You COULD pay for someone with a DL to be insured on the car, then train you.

    Kudos to you for having the guts to try to do this on your own. Try to get your dad to appreciate your initiative, rather than resist his advice. yesterday was father's day, after all..

  5. most places will sell a car to someone with just a permit, as long as you have money they don't care.  I naught my car with a permit, but I naught a used car. For a brand new one I think you can too.

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