
Can I buy a council house on behalf of a family member?

by Guest61157  |  earlier

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My wife and I deal with the affairs of a family member who is severely disabled amonst other things, which I shall keep private. The family as a whole has been discussing buying her home recently and I am more than happy to pay for it in full, but really don't know where to start. She's been a tenant there for 5 years and I spoke with the local council who said she would not get a great discount as the rules had changed in 2002, Can you tell me everything you feel is relevant as I'm a little confused by the whole thing and where my family and I stand. If the average price of a home in her area was £35,000 (I checked and there had been no sales for a LONG time) how much of a discount would she be entitled to for the 5 years she's been there?

Thank you so much for your help and your time,





  1. One thing to check out is how long she has been a council tennent, for example if she has been in that house for five years as you said and say she was a council tennent for twenty years in another premises she would be entitled to twenty five years discount, it carries on.

  2. If you are the legal guardian for this disabled family member you probably would qualify.  If not, only the principle can buy it.

    The amount of discount would be determined by the council.

  3. It depends on how long she has lived in the house. In our area you can get a discount of  20% of the current market value after 5 years of living in the property.

  4. There's a catch 22 with this mate. If the property is in the family members name and it would have to be for the council to sell regardless of any discount, then the property is an asset of that person.

    Should they have to go into care at any point in the future the asset will be used to pay for this until it's worth has been consumed before the state will contribute.

    If you're paying for the house it needs to be in your name, so there's no advantage in buying that particular one.

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