
Can I buy a mig fighter jet and fly it in Canada?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and I was wondering if I could purchase a fighter jet (MIG) from another country such as Russia or someone and fly it in Canada. ANY info would be great! Thanks!:-)




  1. Yes..

    But there are alot of restictions..

    One is it can not be a current military aircraft used by a foreign government..

    Second it has to be imported legally, registerd with the government, approved by the CAA, and operate usually under a restricted/expermiental catorgory of aircraft.

    Speed is restriced, so you can not go faster than mach 1

    Can not have any working miltary armanement

    Importing is a very costly process, and there are alot of duties to be paid, but you can find older Migs in the hands of civilians, and can be purchased..

  2. Yes.   It's MiG.

  3. lol u cant  because i know your just lieing and asked this for fun

  4. No you cannot.

    The Canadian Aviation Regulations forbid the civilian operation of turbine powered high performance military aircraft.

    The criteria for getting a Limited Certificate of Airworthiness for ex-military aircraft is here:

  5. You could try, but you'd be escorted to the ground and questioned at best, shot down at worst.

    Other than that, if you are taking part in an airshow, then you could get a special permit to allow you to do so.

    I severely doubt you have the funds to buy one though.  Things like that aren't cheap.  Plus you'd have to pay for fuel, maintenance, and a place to keep it.

    Not only that, but most people, except maybe the Americans, aren't going to just sell a military plane easily to anyone.

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