
Can I buy a transport truck load of dyed diesel from Mexico and have it brought across the border? save $2/gal

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I farm and the high price of diesel is killing me. I've heard that diesel is selling around $2 per gallon cheaper across the border. Since I don't need to pay road tax on most of the diesel I use, I was wondering if I could order a truck load and have it delivered. I only live about 140 miles from the border. I just have no experience buying from Mexico. Would I get what I pay for? Is it safe to use? Are there prohibitive taxes or fees? Is it even allowed? Is diesel really cheaper across the Red River? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. if you call me i have a lot of information that may help you.

    jon quick


  2. I did some calculations on gas prices a few months ago for my friends in the states - its sold in liters here and then also had to convert pesos to dollars.

    I found GAS was only about 40 cents cheaper. I really doubt deisel is 2 dollars cheaper.

    Once you pay for the delivery and import license I think it will kill your assperations.

  3. By the time you pay shipping, customs  imported charges, and then US federal excise taxes per gallon, than last any US tariff tax. I don't believe you would save that much for dye non road tax diesel for farming.  good thinking though.

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