
Can I buy a wireless router and get online with my ipod touch and not pay for it?

by  |  earlier

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I have an iPod Touch and want to use all the online features but I'm worried about having to pay a monthly fee for wireless internet. I have dial up.




  1. no. you will still pay the same price as you always do

  2. yes you can! follow instructions here with network card hooked up to wireless router then connect to the router through ipod touch

    connection will be slow but will work. site is in source

    any questions email

  3. No... It wouldn't really make a difference anyway because you'd have to pay for service on the router.

  4. Well I have a wireless router at my house which i use to get internet on my iPod touch, and I don't pay extra. The way wireless router's work is that you pay for having the router up, but you can have as many computers and iPods as you want in the signal area and not pay extra for it. I'm not sure if it will work for dial-up because I have comcast, but I'm pretty sure it would work the same, just be slower. Your iPod should be able to find the signal even if it is dial-up.

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