
Can I buy community service hours in Atlanta, Georgia?

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I heard that you can purchase community service hours...Is this true? If so where can I do this?




  1. No, sorry.  

    One of the major purposes of requiring community service hours is to make you contribute personally to improving the society.  That means you have to put in the hours yourself.  

    Of course, I am not naive.  There are probably people out there who will take money to _say_ you did your hours.  But the chances of getting caught are pretty high, and the consequences are severe for both you and the person you try to bribe.

    Basically, you just have to put in the time.  I wish you well.

  2. Yes there are organizations that will"trade"community service hrs for a donation of food or money, however doing so is illegal.

  3. A lot of information for you here:

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