
Can I buy natural gas just like propane?

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I am wondering if natural gas can be bought just as you would propane? Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!




  1. If you mean in cylinders, no. Propane works that way because under pressure it becomes a liquid which allows for more propane to fit in the cylinder. Natural gas does not liquefy at common temps. It must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures. Natural gas used as fuel in cars is compressed at very high pressures.

  2. that is right, not at this time because the pressure is so much higher. LNG I think is what they call Liquefied Natural Gas.

  3. Propane is stored as a liquid, and in most cases used as a vapour. When it changes state from a liquid to a vapour it expands 277 times. So that barbecue cylinder full of liquid produces quite a lot of vapour!

    Natural gas is stored as a vapour. To give you any kind of volume of fuel in a portable container that would give you even half the cooking time from a barbecue tank of propane, would require the natural gas to be compressed to extremely hign pressures! The cylinder would have to be many times thicker to withstand the pressure and therefore weigh a ton! Not very portable!

    So...put simply...No! you cannot.

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