
Can I buy property ($750,000) in Australia as an investment as a means to gaining residency in Australia?

by Guest32755  |  earlier

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I am looking to immigrate to Australia and I do not think I will meet the points system quota (I do not have much business or investement experience and I am only 21) with my qualifications, so could I invest a large sum of money in property and apply for residency on this basis instead? If so what is the minimum amount I would have to invest? Would I have to invest in a suggested region?

I am an Egyptian national.




  1. Get married to an Australian :)

    The wedding won't cost as much as the property, and if you choose wisely it might even turn out to be a better financial investment

    I'm sorry but I don't know about the investment property.  I can't see why it would gain you residency....but I can't say for sure that it won't.

    Good luck.

  2. Once you have finished your university degree you should have a qualification our country could make use of!!

    $750k would buy a h**l of a nice propperty!!!

  3. I think, that at the very least you would need to have a working visa before you could purchase property of any description here, however, I could be wrong. You would really have to check with the departent of immigration.

    Their website is here:

    These websites could also come in handy for you:

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