
Can I buy souvenir pieces from Berlin Wall?

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Please do not misuderstand me. I'm just a history buff.

But someone told me this in a previous answer. Is it true?




  1. Yes you can, but there are of course fakes...

  2. You can buy Berlin Wall pieces at little shops they make them look real even though they aren't. But you can treally take pieces off the berlin wall but you can see some of the remains

  3. Yeah, sure you can can ... if you actually go there you can buy it at the "Checkpoint Charly" otherwise I would try the German eBay site!

  4. I agree with the other answerers, there are many shops in the center selling such things, around Branderburger Tor and Charlie Point for 2-5 euros according to the size of the piece. However, if they still sell something after 17 years, well, you must understand these are fake and it is not really worth it.

  5. Yea in Berln some places say that they sell real berlin wall , and you can buy... But they are also sell it from 1990,,,, I think this wall newer finish :)


  6. Yes you can, but there's hardly any way to tell whether you've got the genuine stuff. There's so many pieces of conrete with bits of graffiti on it being sold these days that the wall would have to have been twice its actual length.

  7. Try ebay or

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