
Can I call a US toll-free number (1-800...) from FRANCE? and how?

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I have a us/Canadian phone card that I'd like to use in France. But I have to call a US/Canadian 1 800 # to use it.




  1. Calling a US 1-800 number from France is a long-distance call (00 1 800 ...) and sometimes 1-800 numbers won't work when dialled from outside the US. Dialling the calling card access number long-distance makes no sense because you'll continue to pay for the long-distance call even after the phone card company takes over.

    Depending on the phone card company you may find that they have free access numbers for other countries. The major companies like AT&T, Sprint etc. have country-specific free-phone numbers you can use. Search for "International access codes" on the company's web site.

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