
Can I call someones parole officer and make an anonymous tip about that person??

by  |  earlier

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There is someone that needs to be taken off the streets who I know for a fact is on parole. Would I be able to call their parole officer and make a tip about that person without giving my name? Or how would that work??




  1. Yes,  but  remember call ID,  so use a different  phone.  Also there is non emergency number to talk about situations with a officer. Look in front phone book for that number. They can relay the information to the parole officer.  

  2. You bet.

  3. I'm almost positive that you should be able to leave an anonymous tip, though I'm uncertain about whether they'd want you to testify against something if it were serious..

  4. yes.

  5. yes you can. you might be asked for your info in case they need more details but in general you are able to call and provide as much detail as you can about their wrong doing

  6. Dont rat on someone for something like drugs..  

    I have a feeling your just mad at an old boyfriend or friend and your trying to get them back.  Let me tell you.. Once a rat is always a rat... so grow up..

  7. Yes u sure can!!!!

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