
Can I call the cops on my mom?

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Here's the situation:

I'm 15, I've been staying home alone all summer while my mom is at work, anyways me and my mom have a really bad relationship, mostly we fight over me getting in trouble in school but since I'm not in school we just fight over random stuff,

anyways this morning my grandma showed up, and I also don't get along with her either, and she said my mom had called her and asked her to watch me today WHICH SHE HADN'T told me she was going to do, and I"M FIFTEEN YEARS OLD.

So I told my grandma to get out, and she wouldn't go so I basically cursed her out and left.. walked around the block a few times, I went to this girl's house that lives near me and hung out there for a while, then went back to my house around 11 cause I figured my grandma would have left.

ANyways, my grandma AND my mom were there, and as soon as I walked in my mom grabbed me, PULLED DOWN MY PANTS and started SPANKING ME. I"M FIFTEEN. and she didn't just smack me once, she really spanked me REALLY hard for a LONG time.

Can I call the cops on her? Is what she did illegal? She spanked me once before when I got suspended from school.




  1. Nope.  

    Grow up and start acting your age and maybe she will give you a little more respect as a young adult.

  2. WOW she spanked u... Why don't you grow up and act like your 15 and stop cursing out people becuase they do what they are asked... ??  

  3. I wouldn't have spanked you... I would have beat the c**p out of you.  

  4. No you CANNOT call the cops for being spanked. A friend of mine is a cop and he told me it is perfectly legal for a parent to spank their child, but to only spank on the butt. If my child ever called the cops on me he would get the beating of his life before the cops showed up!

  5. Oh please.  Grow up and start acting like a 15 year old.  You shouldn't be cursing at your grandma or taking off like that.  I hope she spanked you with a belt.

  6. Hon , why the chip on your shoulder?  

    What your mom did is embarrassing, borderline humiliating - but no, darlin' you can't call the cops on her.

    I feel for you.  You need to learn how to express your colorful feelings without aggression, swearing, shouting and arguing.  There are things you can change and things you can't.  Got to know when you can change things and when you can't and when just to accept what is how it is.

    Life is too short.  Show your mom and your grandmother respect ---- EVEN IF THEY DON'T DESERVE IT.  Show yourself some respect and stop acting out in aggression.  You deserve better than this.  Remain calm and never let your emotions get the best of you.

  7. You could call the cops on her. My father happens to be a cop and he says the only way they can do anything about it, is if she is abusive. Spanking is not being abusive. Maybe your mom shouldn't have spanked you since you are 15 but there is still nothing they can do about it.......

  8. You got what you deserved, but I would of taken away your

    computer and you would of been standing  up asking this question.

    Now grow up!

  9. i think that you should get yourself straight, and the least you can do is try to be nice to people who care about you!  i'd have done the same! you're being difficult, and no parent deserves that their son/daughter gets them through h**l, just because they think they're grown ups! look around you, what kind of friends do you have, why are you getting into trouble at school? i'm sure that these so called "friends" aren't being good role models for you, and you'll be a big loser if you don't straight yourself out!

  10. You remind me of me when I was 15, and I deserved to get my a#$ kicked.  I wouldn't be on the computer if I had done that to my mom.  

    It's natural for teenagers to not get along with their parents, and not take advise.  But really, look at it from an outside angle:

    trouble in school

    cussed out your GRANDMOTHER!!!

    Leave when you please

    Call the cops on her, I bet the tell her good job, and you get in the system for being a delinquent.  Try treating people the way YOU want to be treated.  Guess what?  Parents aren't perfect, but they are the ONLY people that will do just about anything for you.  

    I know you don't feel like hearing it, but you need to shape up. She wouldn't spank you, if she didn't care.  Try helping her around the house more, or being respectful, or trustworthy.  Sounds like she's a single parent, which is NOT easy.  Give her some credit, she's trying to be a mother and provider.  It's a lot of work for both of you, but you'll be better off in the end if you try to improve, rather than rebel.  You won't get anywhere, trust me.

  11. You are under age even though you are 15 you are not 18 and that is legal age. She gives a roof over your head and food to eat and has the right to spank you if she wants, you are being a rude little girl and if you were my child I would do allot more than spank you.

    I'm sorry if that is not the answer you wanted to hear but allot of us are parents and would never want our children acting like that our cussing out their grandmothers.

    And it seems like you mom has reason to be upset with you if you are getting in trouble at school, she just wants you to do good so you have a good life.

    If you dont like being treated like a child dont act like a child, try being responsible and being respectable in school and to your elders one day you will have a child of your own(if that is what you want)and you would never want them to disrecpect you in any way, think of that the next time you mom is getting on to would you want you child to act and what would you do if your child was acting the way you were.

  12. Don't even go there. Like other people have said, you will end up in even worse trouble. I'm 17 and if I behaved like that , I would still get paddled by my mom. I don't think that's right but the way to avoid it is by trying to behave properly.

  13. Um,,,shes your mom,,,and your still underage.....guess what??? She can punish you how ever she wants.....dude,,,,,why r u cursing at your grandmum? shes there to take care of u....even if u dont get along with ur mom or grandma or anyone doesnt give u the right to be nasty and rude!......treat others how u would like to  be treated.....i think ur mom spanked you cause she doesnt know how to deal with u,,,,,Your 15 and u may think you dont need anyone right now,,,,,,but listen to me,,,u do!,,,chill out girl! :)

  14. So let me get this straight:

    1-You disrespected your Grandmother

    2- You disrespected your Mom

    3-You cursed out your Grandmother

    4- You left the house without permission

    5-You are a minor

    6-You have a previous history of being suspended from school

    Sorry sweetie, but they were justified.  You can call the cops if you'd like but they will not arrest your Mom or Grandmother.  You're lucky they didn't call the police when you snuck out and reported you as a runaway.  If you want to be treated like an adult then act like one.  If you want to behave as a child then you will be treated like one.  I'm not saying that a 15 year old should or should not be spanked, but I think both your Mom and Grandmother had every right to do what they did.  

  15. You mentioned your age 3 times as if trying to convince us you are a mature young lady however your actions are NO WAY mature.

    Your mother has every right to "mother" you as you are a minor and a spanking is in no way "abuse". What you are doing to your poor mother and grandmother however IS abuse!!!

  16. Is this a joke?

    It sounds like you got off easily. You are only 15, a minor and her daughter- she can punish you any way she chooses as long as it doesn't leave bruises/longstanding marks. If I acted this way to my family I would be off to a military or boarding school in a heartbeat. Your mother needs to stick around for a while and enforce some rules until you show that you can be responsible, respectful, and make wise decisions.

  17. Sure, but I don't think you're going to get the results you're expecting.  It's more likely that the police will give you a lecture even your mother never gave you regarding disrepect and defiance.  They will also tell you the brutal reality of being emancipated... something that sounds so endearing to teenagers on the surface.  So be careful what you wish for.  The glass is half full kid.

    If you want to be alone at home without supervision, all you have to do is show your mom you're mature enough to handle it.  That's it.  So bite your lip when you feel like mouthing off, show her a different you, and your life will go so much smoother.  When your life goes smoother you'll be happier.  When you're happier, the fighting stops.  When the fighting stops, your mom is happier.  It sounds simple because it is simple.  Good luck.

  18. You need a good spanking.  When you actually grow up and respect those around you then maybe you'll get respect back.  

  19. no you can't call the police on your are 15 you are old enough to know to show some respect and follow the rules of your sound like a spoiled little girl the needs to grow up!! thank goodness you aer not my child...and my husband is s police officer by the way and i work in a juvenille detention prediction, keep going the way you are and you will end up in one of the cells that i am in charge of....beleive me, you don't want that for your future.    grow up and learn to respect!!

  20. U mom probably thinks u are her baby still

  21. Well, lets look at what you did first. You were obstinate, foul mouthed, disrespectful and impossible to get along with and she hasn't called the authorities on you. While I don't agree with her methods I can feel her frustration.

    It is not a practice for kids to turn thier moms into the police. You may not realize it now but she is the best friend and advacate you will ever have in your life. There is no one else in this world that will do anything in thier power to make life better for you. There is no one else in this world that would lay down their life for you You need to step back and take another look at the woman you call mom and thank god every day you have her. It would be nice if you could spend a little more time learning how to get along with her over the next 3 years keeping in mind that what she wants for you is only the best. When you turn 18 you can move out with only good memories of the short time you were with your her. Best of luck to you

  22. Serves you right! No, you cannot call the cops on her. You're still a child therefore she CAN still discipline you. Maybe next time you'll show some respect to your OLDER family members.

  23. > Is what she did illegal?

    Different places have different laws.  Nobody can answer that unless you at least say what country/state/province/territory you live in.

  24. You are on here complaining? You are lucky thats all you got.   You have no right to disrespect your Mother or Grandmother.  Do you have any idea what manners are?  And respect.  You should respect anyone older then you , especially your relatives.  

    You need to get to your mother and especially your grandmother right now and appologise to both of them. How dare you cuss out your grandmother.  You are a child., Unless you pay all the bills in your house and have food and clothes that you buy yourself, you better listen to your Mom.   If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have a room to sleep in or a computer to be complaining on.  Grow up.

  25. Spanking is not against the law.  I don't think the police can do anything about that.  Now if she hit or smacked you somewhere besides your butt then yes you can call the police.

    Please realize you would be placed in foster care if your mom was found guilty of abusing you!

  26. If you are fifteen you should act like you are fifteen.  Getting in trouble and disrespecting your elders is asking for some kind of discipline.  You don't understand the danger of running the neighbor hood alone or being home alone.  Your mom called your grandmother for a reason. It appears you can't be trusted to be left home alone.  

    Maybe she should have told you that your grand mother was coming but she is under no obligation to ask your permission.  She pays the bills and it is her house not yours.  

    As for the cops they'll probably say what every other responder has said on this question.  

    Unless she beats you black and blue in front of witnesses you run the danger of ending up in foster care for notheing.  You think you've got it bad now?  Ask someone who's been in the system how much fun that is.

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