
Can I can veggies? and if so how?

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i planted a huge garden, and I was gong to freeze some veggies but m freezer died :( so I was wondering if I can can them? i want to do green and yellow beans, beats, and corn. will it turn out? and also if you could tell me how to can that would be wonderful. I have never done this before so I don't have a clue what I am doing. I got some jars and I know I have to boil the jars then let them cool fill them then put the seal thingy on while it is boiling hot. so do i just cook say the beans, fill the jar with the desired amount and then fill it up with water? any and all help and tips would be greatly appreciated! thanks!




  1. there is some dangerous bacteria u can get with canning veggies idk look it up

    but just be careful

    10pts plz

  2. you can but i'm not real familiar with the process.

  3. I would recommend freeze dry- or dehydrate them or salt them in equal weight, or sugar preserve them using equal weight in sugar but in any ways you want to eat them as soon as you can

  4. ehh it is risky. you may get botulism. i would reccomend getting a new freezer. if not, do your research before you can anything to make sure you are doing everything cleanly and healthy

  5. i have a very large garden and have been canning for years. With all non acid vegetables you must either pressure can them or pickle them, as the botulism bacteria can be present and can only be killed with acid or by heating to temperatures above the boiling point, which requires a pressure canner. I usually pickle my beets.

    For beets you must boil them in a large pot for about 30 minutes. dump them into a sink of cold water and the skins should slip right off. I dice or slice them place them in clean sterile jars. I sterilize jars by keeping them in a 250 degree oven until ready to use. I pour a mixture of 5 cups water, 5 cups vinegar and 1/2 cup salt that has been simmering on the stove, over the beets, wipe the top of the jar to insure a proper seal, place rings and lids on, put the jars in a boiling water bath (a large canner filled with enough water to just reach the top of the jars) . Process (boil in the canner) at a full boil for 25 minutes. Remove jars, let cool completely before checking to see if they are sealed. (To check if they are sealed you press into the center of the lid. If it is sealed the lid will be completely depressed in the center and will not be able to be popped up and down.

    Now with corn. You have to pressure can it if you are not going to freeze it. I cut it off the cob, place in sterile jars, add 1/2 tsp. salt per pint, and ladle boiling water over corn, leaving a 1 inch headspace.Remove airbubbles with a plastic knife. Again, wipe the tops of the jars for a good seal, tighten lids on and process in a pressure canner pints 55 minutes, quarts 1 hour and 25 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. Make sure you do your corn within 24 hours of being picked as it will begin turning into starch.

    As for beans wash and stem, break into desired size pieces. Place into sterile jars, add 1/2 tsp. salt per pint. Ladle boiling water over beans, leaving a 1 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles, clean jar tops adjust caps and process in a pressure canner pints 20 minutes, and quarts 25 minutes at 10 pounds pressure.

    You can find a wealth of canning knowledge in the Ball Blue Book, Guide to Home Canning, Freezing,and dehydrating.

    Also be very careful with pressure canners, read all instructions carefully and if it is used, you will want to have the pressure gauge and seals checked. They will usually do this for free at any Cooperative Extension Service. Parts can be purchased through any hardware store.

    Oh, I have a great recipe for hot pickled beans that don't require a pressure canner. Place in pint jars the following:

    1 head dill or 1 tsp dill seed

    1/4 tsp mustard seed

    1/4 tsp peppercorn

    1 clove garlic

    3-4 slices jalepeno pepper

    Cut green beans to fit jar, pack tightly in neatly into jars. Ladle boiling hot mixture of 5 c water, 5 c. vinegar and 1/2 c salt over grean beans leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Adjust caps, process in boiling water canner 10 minutes. Must let set at least three weeks for full flavor. Enjoy!!

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