
Can I cancel my Phone insurance by going to my bank and cancelling the direct debit?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried phoning the number on the insurers website but I can't get through.




  1. That only cancels your payment and puts you in default of your contract.

  2. the best way to find an answer for a  question is trying to explore a approach among an abundant of is a good one.

  3. No.. cancelling the debt does not cancel the insurance. All that would end up doing is having the insurance charge you a late fee, and penalties for not paying.

    The insurance is still in effect until you cancel it.

    Likely the insurers website has an option for email also.

    Its probably on your account page somewhere.

  4. I would email them and you will also have your proof.

  5. It depends on whether you have a monthly or annual insurance policy and whether you have made sufficient payments to cover the time you have been insured.

    Usually mobile phone insurance contracts ARE easliy cancellable by stopping your direct debit but I agree that the best way is to ring the company(although you need to be prepared to stonewall their attempts to get you to maintain it.

  6. You should be able to cancel it through your phone provider or on their website, I have tmobile and I know I can cancel mine through my online account. Canceling the payment method will just result in you owing more money because you haven't paid on time !

  7. No, just cancelling the direct debit will only stop the method of payment, not the insurance itself. Just write out to the company or e-mail them informing them you wish to cancel the policy.

  8. You will get a late fee and maybe a letter from the phone co asking why the direct debit was stopped, very bad move if you do it,

  9. cancelling your direct debit is only stopping them getting their payment  in thery  some times if they dont get payment they may stop your insurance but that may run on longer than you want it to so you will still have to pay for the time that they continued to insure you

    if you are unable to contact then via phone i would write to them saying that you have been trying to contact them since what ever date you tryed to contact them  and say that  you want to cancel your insurance from that date if they object then it might have to be taken from the date of letter or when they recieve it i would also get advise from trading standards as they will help you more and will help you write a letter to them outlineing the facts i would also send the letter recorded  delivery and always keep a copy of your letter as its proof as to what you wrote to them and failing that you also have a right to contact the ombudsman who will also help after a while good luck

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