
Can I cancel my claim for workers comp because of financial hardship?

by  |  earlier

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I have carpal tunnel in both hands and need surgery , but they are taking their time with this and in the mean time we may lose our house and everything else due to know income right now.




  1. Well if you withdrawal your claim for work comp you'll never get better, I would call the adjuster and ask them what is going on.  I know based on experience, and I know this sounds bad, but the adjuster will investigate this to the extent because nobody wants to be stuck with a carpal tunnel claim.

    If you have good factors working for you, such as you've been with your company for a long time and doing the same repetitive job chances are they will accept the claim, but if you've been with the company for less than 6 months, or you have diabetes or over weight those factors can hurt you.

    If you are losing time because of your injury ask the adjuster why you haven't been paid.  Is it because the state your in won't pay people unless its accepted?  Perhaps they should be paying you now.  You should know your state law, so asking your adjuster might help or a work comp attorney.

    Also if you need money that bad, ask your employer about light duty, perhaps office work or doing something else that doesn't involved extensive use of your wrist.

  2. If you were working at the time of the diagnosis, and are now out of work due to the condition, you should be receiving payments.  Your employer should be providing light duty work if that is what the doctor recommends or if they can't accommodate light duty they should be paying you.

  3. If you have no money and need an income, why would you cancel your claim for workers compensation. What would that benefit you.

    When you ask a question, give all the details. At this point is sounds like you are  making a bad situation worse without any justifiable reason

  4. Your question is unclear.

  5. ...

    of course you can

    if you dont have a need for it then let them know that you want to close/cancel your claim/request for workers comp

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