
Can I carry a M92FS replica bb gun and a canister of Green Gas in an international flight?

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The BB gun is made of metal and has no orange tip. Can I carry the gun in checked baggage back to Vancouver from China? I can also take it apart if they consider it a safety concern.

The Green Gas is not as important, because I can get my hands on some in Vancouver.

If not on an international flight, then what about a domestic flight from within China?




  1. No, i don't think you shoul bring your bb gun and green gas on an internatiol flight.

  2. Your BB gun will be considered a weapon... If it is allowed terrorist would be using them now. Think about it. When you check it in at security and they see it in the xray machine they are gonna ask you to open it and they might handcuff you. So dont even try

  3. maybe in a suitcase

  4. You are asking for a big hassle.  It is illegal to import handguns into Canada--it is a CRIMINAL offence that is taken extremely seriously.  Your baggage will be x-rayed, and your bb gun will look like the real thing.  You can bet that a person with no sense of humour and a yellow stripe down the pantleg will invite you for a discussion when you arrive at YVR.  

    You cannot take pressurized containers of any description--even in checked baggage.

    Forget about it.

  5. take the BB gun apart and check it with you checked bags.  The green gas however cannot go.

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