
Can I carry this in my hand luggage or security check will take it?

by  |  earlier

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I am taking some curry paste to my sis in Italy as she has never tasted curry before, I am flying with ryanair from manchester and have only hand luggage.

This is what I am carrying, it s 283 gr but It s not liquid is more a curry purea with tomato here s the pic

thank you!




  1. I'm not sure but it is better if u just wrap it up and put it in your proper bag.  

  2. sorry, i do not know about what you are talking about.

  3. In my experience I think its unlikely to be allowed from a UK airport. I would take it and try, but if its confiscated, so be it your just losing £2.15 - so maybe it worth a try, they wont send you to jail.  

  4. I have travelled a lot by air so I would know.It really depends on the kind of security present, since I have been allowed to liquids in some places and not in others.

    But to be on the safe side, I think you should put it in your luggage.

  5. Air security is concerned with creams as well as liquids.  If you go to the TSA web site or the State Department web site you will find all the information you need.  It may be that it would be better just to mail the stuff!  

  6. They made a fuss about my wife's foundation cream thing... And I certainly would not call that liquid...

  7. dont chance it

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