
Can I cash my son's check for him?

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My son is 14 years old. He works till 6pm (bank closed). He signed the back of his check and would like for me to cash it for him. Would I be able to go to the bank that the check is drawn from and cash for him or no? He will be opening an account next week when he's off of work, but needs money for the carnival tonight *lol*. Thanks for any info.




  1. No, the bank that the check is drawn on will not cash it because it has now been signed over to you - they need to be able to identify the person who the check was made out can take it to your own bank as long as you have enough in your account to cover it.

  2. It depends on the bank the check is drawn on.  Many will cash it, but some won't unless you have an acct. with them.  You should be able to cash it at your bank though.  Just call them and ask what their procedure is.

  3. yes, you can.

    When i was kid (prior to my first bank account) my parent's did this for me often. or they would cash the check for me and just deposit it into their own account. either way is fine since he signed the back of the check. Good Luck.

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