
Can I catch garden skinks and feed them to my snake?

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Is it legal because there a feeder species




  1. get a mouse trap. put skinks food on the bait tray thingy

  2. you should not really catch lizards from the wild they can pass on parasites and other things to your snake, it is best to buy the food in that way you know it won't pass anything on to your snake,

  3. never feed your animals anything from the wild because they can have parasites and other unhealthy  stuff in them which can kill your snake

    if the snake if wild captured as in you caught it in a backyard or something then it probably ate small lizards frogs and mice

  4. Like the answers above, many wild prey items contain parasites and/or unnatural pathogens which can make your snake very ill. I strongly go against feeding wild prey also for the reason that if the snake does take that prey, he might develop a preference to that prey instead of eating the prefrozen prey you buy in the store eg mice rats ect. You can probably see where im going here...If the snae prefers only that food that you catch from the wild what happens when that prey is no longer available or out of season. What would you feed it then. In the end its best to stick with mice and or rats thats you can buy without fearing that they might go out of season. I hope this helps

  5. More parasites means more protein!

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