
Can I change my age on passport and ID with birth certificate?

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my parents changed my age 2 years older than I actually am.Now I am studying in Australia,with a passport and an ID in my home country that both says I am 2 years older than I am .

Because my parents changed my age so I can go to school earlier(The required age is 7 in my home country),and they changed it when I was so little,the ONLY proof is my birth certificate that says I am actually 2 years younger.

I am devastated by this!I want my real age back!So if I hand out my birth certificate can I change my age on my passport and ID back?

Please help! i HAVEN'T Slept at all last night when I heard this.

P.S. I am 19,but on passport I am 21




  1. I'm sure you'll be able to, but it will be a lot of paperwork...

  2. Yes it should be possible to have your age changed to the correct date. Do you have your original birth certificate with you? If so take it with your passport and ID to your country's consulate in Australia. They should be able to have your passport and ID  reissued showing your correct date of birth.  

  3. When you have to renew your passport, you can download a passport renewal application from so that should have all your address and birthday details on it. Before that though, you should give the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade a call to see what you need to do just in case they won't allow you to change them when you renew the passport. Good luck.

  4. WOAH- that is SO COOL! I wish my parents did that :X

    Um, when your passport expires, just send them your birth certificate or something I guess and they should change it hopefully.

    I really don't know but good luck o.o

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