
Can I change the curve of my one piece stick with a blow torch?

by  |  earlier

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I used to do this all the time with wood sticks, just wondering if its possible with these fancy new fangled devices...




  1. Don't use a blow torch, use a heat gun, and minor adjustments only.  Too cool it off use a damp cloth while you're bending it where you want it to be curved. Be gentle, cracking it is very possible.

  2. Yes, but it may not be as durable

  3. yes but not to close with flame more for heat then bend might be a little hard at first but do again

  4. Medium heat and not too much, nor too close, nor too long.  Happy blazing!

  5. make sure to put it in WARM water afterwards too cool it down. If the water is to cold it will crack the blade

  6. you can but i wouldnt bow tourches are used to get the extra strings off of it if u wanted a better curve u should have thought of that before you bought it

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