
Can I charge a Fuel Surcharge to our customers?

by  |  earlier

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We are a small trucking business and are feeling the squeeze. Can we charge a fule surcharge to our customers? Are they obligated to pay it?




  1. I don't see why not. I just received a bill from a printer that had a fuel surcharge.

    If you put a brief note on your website or in a newsletter to customers alerting them to the charge, I think you'll find most of them sympathetic. Everyone is feeling the pinch!

  2. the only way is going up two cents on your price..We are having enough of a hard time paying for customers ...

    But if you do go up, you in house sales will drop..they wont

    spend as much..

  3. Yes, with fuel prices having risen more than 40% since last year, I don't see a problem with charging a fuel surcharge. Just be sure to be up front about it and disclose it in your transporation estimates. As long as it is reasonable, but that goes without saying. Charge too much and you lose clients. Charge too little, and you might lose the business. It's a necessary evil, and I think most people will understand.

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