
Can I charge someone money to adopt my baby?

by Guest63428  |  earlier

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if not, then why is it ok for an adoption agency to charge people to adopt a kid? Shouldn't I be making the profit on it, since it's my child I'm giving up??

this is a hypothetical question. not a serious one. Any thoughts?




  1. i agree...sort of.

    in that i think it's wrong for anyone 'natal mother, adoption agency..." to profit from the placement of babies.

  2. Thats illegal.Don't do it!

  3. obviously, nobody here knows the answer to your question. Yes, you could charge somebody for adopting your child. They could pay your medical bills, buy you a car, pay for your food. It really is up to them which things they would be willing to pay for but yes you could essentially have them pay for things

  4. Adoption agencies have to pay their employees, social workers, and need money to pay for their office space, etc. - all the costs of running a business. Now should they make a profit over and above that? No, I don't think so. I think adoption agencies provide a service, but they should all be non-profit in nature.

  5. The reason that MOTHERS can't get paid for their babies is that it would be considered coercion to offer money for their baby.  There are a lot of poor women who would be hard pressed to ignore an offer of that kind (especially if they're offering the kind of money AP's pay for a healthy infant!).  Considering what happens in other countries where this kind of thing happens often (i.e. Guatemalan baby farming, etc.), I think it's a pretty good safeguard to have in place.

    HOWEVER, it needs to go that one step further and include adoption agencies.  Why is it ok for adoption agency executives to be making $500,000 a year off the backs of poor young women (or ANY prospective first mom) who isn't getting any compensation (because it would be illegal, and for good reason); not to mention the child who has just been sold to the highest bidder.

    Adoption should be a social service to provide homes for children who need them (which means, children in foster care who have no other resources...not children who's mothers or other family members could take care of them just fine if they had the money).  It should not be a way to fulfill the needs and desires of AP's, for whom any baby will do.  As long as adoption continues to be a business for the purpose of finding babies for lonely people, corruption and coercion will continue.

  6. Ok thats not really kate winslet get a life.

    and ItS NOT illegal you dips;

    THEY do not make a lot of money. They get paid to basically set the adoption up and see it through. They have to get social workers or paid private social workers ( not state social workers) to visit the homes. you pay for

    1) social workers to visit your home to make sure its a safe environment

    2) Tons of background checks ( criminal, abuse and any other background check)

    3) Checks of all kinds of sort like medical to make sure your healthy and won't leave the kid to the state care

    4) The registration and administration of paper work

    5) the hospital care for the adoptive mother ( in some not all cases)

    6) after care for mother

    7) after birth care for baby

    Some adoptions can't physically be done until baby is 6 months

    so 8) care from birth to 6 months

    9) foster care for kid until then

    10) and future check ups to make sure everything is going ok

    thats what you pay for

    Usually some places have a hospital and care for the mother and it still needs to be paid for or the mother gets compensated or even more money for giving a desired child.

    thats why

    theres more to it.

    they dont just go looking for pregnant women in labour grab the kids and charge you thousands of dollars

    if the company is legit then the fees are applicable.

  7. I heard of a girl who wasn't able to sell her baby, and when the couple adopted the baby, they "bought" her old car (like an 80's Chevy Chevette) for $10,000.00 .  

    The girl's mother was spending money like water 11 days after the baby was born.  Pathetic, however, it couldn't be proved, therefore, the adoption happened.  The baby's mom didn't get anything, her mother did.

  8. I always wonder how many people would be interested in "dedicated service" to the adoption industry and the best interests of the children if they didn't get paid.

  9. Nope u cant, they help with medical bills and whatnot, sometimes help with housing but you can't make them pay for the child itself. It is illegal and you could get in big time trouble.

  10. The agency charges to make sure it is legal they need to pay the social workers who investigate the PAP and make sure they  are sutible, lawyers etc. They are not voulenteering their time

  11. It's not right that adoption agencies make so much money from the adoption of babies.

    Sadly - money equals power - those in power - make the rules.

    It sucks.

    It's wrong.

    Money = Power = Corruption

    Where there is a dollar to be made - those that have no morals will be found.

    ETA: A lot of the money that adoption agencies make goes towards more advertising to get more babies.

    Even more of the money goes to line to pockets of the executives of the agencies.

    Most relinquishing mothers get barely any post-adoption counselling - they are thrown away and forgotten.

    There needs to be a complete overhaul of the system - but then we get back to who has the power............

  12. Yeah, it makes sense doesn't it. the adoption agencies are sucking money from PAP's who want to adopt. Which is unfair to the PAP's! On top of that they(adoption agency) are trying to recuirt woman who are single, poor and uneducated to trick them or at least convince them to give up their baby so the adoption agency can get money. Yes, i have no respect for adoption agency, they take advantage of PAP's, asking unreasonable prices for the adoption, they take advantage of the biological mother by sometimes giving her empty promises and then eventual the adoptee by denying them access to their adoption records. Yeah, the agencies suck. But nothing will change until PAP's, biological parents and adoptees, unite and try to make them stop taking advantage of people.

  13. hi shannon-

    sadly, the answer is simple- "because they can".  i hate it.  it really sucks, eh?

  14. The fee they charge is for helping them find a child and make sure the adoption goes like it should and that everything is done legally. Some do pay for the mothers medicale care and living expences why she is pregnant.

  15. I understand the true nature of your question and in many ways I agree. Adoption fees are often far too high and the way that they vary from agency to agency seems to be proof of that.

    Some agencies to pay a birthmother re-integration funds to support them for a few months after the birth (as well as expenses during the pregnancy). I personally don't agree with these practices, but the truth is that it happens. You could always place your child with a non-profit agency (and even do it during your pregnancy) and still get to choose the adoptive parent(s).

  16. Heck no that would be selling a child, that's illegal.

  17. NO. It's illegal.

    The fees paid to agencies cover the cost of filing paper work, homestudies, to pay case workers, profile advertising for adoptive families etc.. It is not actually a fee paid for a child.

    On the other hand if you need help with medical costs related to a pregnancy you can ask for help with that from the identified adoptive family. They CAN NOT however buy you things like a car, a house, a bunch of wants or luxury type items etc.. because that will be seen as coercion by the courts and it is also illegal.  All you can ask for legally is help with medical care related to a pregnancy for the child that is to be adopted and possibly help getting to and from appointments (meaning one of the adoptive family members would be able to drive you and take you home if needed).  I think in some states you can ask for assistance with medications if needed during pregnancy for things that arise during a pregnancy in adoption.

  18. Why would you do that? That's illegal.

  19. It always amazes me how many people get all worked up without actually reading; much less understanding the question! It really makes me wonder how they managed in school!

    Possum is right on, as usual. I just wanted to add that if biological families were given money, how many babies would actually be available for adoption? Not many; considering the number one reason women choose adoption is feeling that they will be unable to financially provide for their child. Sick, isn't it?

    This is exactly why h**l will freeze over before we see any real programs to support natural family preservation.

    It is sad that there are people raising money to adopt and asking questions about how to get medicaid for their adopted children and yet MONEY is why so many children are not with their first families. While I have no problem with good people adopting without a fat bank account it seems a bit sad and ironic to me that many children would have similar financial circumstances in their original homes. MONEY DOES NOT EQUAL LOVE!

    I support adoption in its ideal but the exchange of money has introduced a vulgar element to what should be a beautiful and loving thing. While I realize there are fees to pay and there will be some money involved (as there is for biological families), adoption is so sensitive; it is easy for the unethical to take advantage of both the PAPs and FPS for their own greedy puropses. That there are so many self-proclaimed "adoption professionals" and "experts" who make gobs of money off of this is disgusting.

    These are the people who perpetuate the myths of adoption, who attempt (and often succeed) to control public perception with their propaganda, who view and treat babies and children as products, who use their money and influence to create laws to protect themselves while violating the rights of others, who discourage real and honest relationships between PAPs, APs and FPs with their two-faced tactics and who want us ALL to shut up so changes will never happen and they can continue to move product and line their pockets.  Ethics don't stand a chance in adoption when we all stay silent or spend all our time being offended and insulting each other.

    I do not mean to "belittle" anyone's position (except greedy baby stealers/sellers) with my answer - I always feel I need to qualify everything here and there simply isn't enough room! I know there are wonderful PAPs/APs, there are happy adoptees, contented FPs, and adoptions made in heaven - but there would be many more of them (and yes, fewer adoptions - sorry, but that's how I feel) if we could get rid of the dollar signs, weed out all the propaganda and BS and make adoption about love and children as it should be. JMO.

    Stupid spell check is still being slack...

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