
Can I checkmate my opponent with 2 bishops ?

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I have 2 bishops and a king. My opponent has King only. How do I checkmate?




  1. Great question. I have always been taught that the bishops are very dangerous when you have both of them, just one is not good that is why I like to take out one of them when I can trade a knight for a bishop, but I always try to keep mine of course.

    Now just having two bishops and a king and putting him or her in checkmate?  I would have to say yes and no, because it all depends on how good you opponent is.  You will have to corner the king and a opponent that has been playing for awhile will know to keep his or her king in the middle of the board so it can't get cornered.

    So getting the king cornered, keeping the king close to the bishops to protect them.  You will have to get them close as you will have to use the king also to keep your opponents king from escaping.

    I can look deeper into just how to get this done later but pressed for time.

    Hope this helps, have a Blessed Day, slowboy.

  2. you cant

  3. Yes.

  4. you have to trap the king in the corner and bring your 2 bishops and your king in to make a triangle so the oppsoing king is checkmated, its hard when you are playing a good player

    only works when you have a white bishop and a black bishop

  5. When you've learned how to do this, try mating your opponent with a bishop and knight. That's when things get tricky ;)

  6. what the kid said above me is wrong. You could trap the king in the corner, but be careful to avoid a stalemate.

  7. As long as they aren't the same color it is simple.

  8. Providing the two bishops operate on different colours then it is possible to force checkmate.

    A good chess book should be able to specifically tell you how, but the principle is:

    (a) You get the two bishops side-by-side so the opponent's king is trapped inside a 'triangle'

    (b) You close the triangle by moving the bishops towards the edge - your king acts as defence to ensure their king does not attack the bishops

    (c) You move the king into a corner and checkmate.

  9. i think that the game will be turned into a stalemate.

  10. Umm all i know is you probably wont loose besides stale mate (unless your really dumb).  BUT im sure if you take into consideration that your king cant help checkmate aswell it is surely an option.  For example, bringing your bishops and king forward while guarding it so it cant get checkmated then somehow make it so if he tries to kill the bishop with his king he'll be unable to from your other bishop and king hopefully.... I know how to play chess but i cant say i am really a good, good player , hope soomehown that can help?

  11. Yes

    BLack---- King B1

    White---- Bishop B2  BishopD3  King B3

    Getting ther will be hard to not stalemate  :)

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