
Can I choose how the taxes I pay into welfare are allocated?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have a problem paying for people's food and medical care, but I don't think I should be forced to pay for somebody's chrome hub caps or tobacco addiction.




  1. Once your obligation in paying is done, the government is free to give it all away to their liberal constituants. The recipients may not have a job, but they can still vote for those who feed them. That is how a lot of our enemy governments work, feed them or kill them.

  2. You could advocate going back to soup lines, or direct provision of the necessities of life, such as housing.  Medical care cannot really be sold or bartered for inappropriate goods...

    But have you considered that the continual erosion of the family buffer allowed to people who receive aid is part of the reason may cannot escape the aid trap?  they do not have the reserve to weather minor setbacks after they get off of aid.

    Maybe the hubcaps you see were found in dumpsters, perhaps they sport them in the hope that someone will buy them :)

  3. lol.  People who legitimately need the help cant afford to do that.  If they do it, then report them, its probably fraud.

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