
Can I claim benefits if I go on unpaid work experience?

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I've just completed a journalism course and need experience before I can get a job but I can't afford to travel to London for unpaid work experience. Are there any benefits I could claim to do this?




  1. Unlikely but worth a try

    You would claim jobseekers allowance (JSA), however, Jobcentre Plus may find that you are not actively seeking work nor avaiable for work. You also need to sign on every two weeks, which they would want you to do at your local jobcentre. Also they may question whether the work experience consitutes and activity for which you should reasonably be getting paid. The DWP may find against you on these counts, but nothing venture, nothing gained

  2. This is actually a bit complicated.  The most likley benefit you would claim would be Jobseekers allowance.  If you do there are 2 potential problems.  The first is that the DWP may argue that you are doing a job which it is reasonable you should be paid for.  This means no benefit, however you would have a reasonable argument to counter their view, if they took that line.

    The second and more obvious problem is that you have to be available for and actively seeking work, whilst claiming benefit.  This would be quite hard to show if you were working full time on an unpaid basis.

    It may be possible though to do the work experience through some sort of approved training scheme and you should enquire at your careers service about that.  These schemes are often for the longer term unemployed

    Worth a claim though

    If you are sick, disabled or have care responsibilities (child or disabled person) then you may be able to claim Income Support.  You may still have problems with the renumerative work test but you do not have to look for or be available for work..

    The other suggestions regarding direct help from placement providers etc may be your best bet

  3. yes

  4. Yes ,I would think so, go to your local employment office, give them all the the details, they should be able to advise you how  and what you could claim, also get in touch with the Press Association in Fleet Street and ask to speak to an advisor, or even get in touch with a National Union of Journalist representative, someone should be able to help you......Good Luck :-))

  5. no

  6. Yes you can claim as long all the work you do is unpaid, are you registed unemployed? if you're then you can claim transportion but you need to provide them with a prove of your work , distance from where you live to work, and a prove that you're doing this work without getting paid for it, goodluck.

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