
Can I claim my girlfriends daughter on my income tax return, being that she has lived with me for 6+ months???

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Can I claim my girlfriends daughter on my income tax return, being that she has lived with me for 6+ months???




  1. There are two categories: Qualifying Child or Qualifying Relative. She is not your qualifying child.

    She may be your Qualifying Relative is she lives with you all the year.


  2. I would ask the person who is doing my taxes about this to be sure.  

  3. No.

    Unrelated people must live with you the entire year (1/1/-12/31) to be claimed as a dependent on a tax return.

  4. No.  If she didn't live with you ALL year, you can't claim her.  If she had lived with you ALL year, there are additional requirements for you to be able to claim her.

  5. No.

    When you are not biologically or legally related to someone, they must live with you the ENTIRE year.  Even then, you must be able to prove you provided more than half of their total support and then claim them as  a "qualifying relative" not as a qualifying child.  That means non HOH, no child tax credit and no EIC.

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