
Can I claim these clothes for Tax Return?

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I am currently completing my tax and I am a little confused as what is defined as a tax reduction in regards to clothes that identify the industry/job you work in, that you would not so much where in your normal/everyday life. As I work in a high corporate office, I always have to buy $$ tailored business clothes, but on the weekend im a kind of jeans & t-shirt type of gal. So Could I use that to claim on ( I have kept all the receipts)?




  1. You can definitely not deduct the cost of the clothes. The clothes must be job specific, that are not intended to be used for wear outside the job.  An example is buying a McDonald's uniform.

  2. No, I don't think so!  There are very strict rules on what you can claim. For example, a compulsory work uniform or a non-compulsory work uniforms where your employer has registered the design with AusIndustry.  Further details are at the ato website here:  

  3. The only type of clothing which is deductible is clothing that are not "street wearable".  If what you purchased can be worn on the street as regular clothing it doesn't pass that test.  Business suits wouldn't not qualify, even if they were tailored and expensive.

  4. You can get away with this if , and I stress if, it is a requirement of your work that clothing of a particular type must be worn, to do the job, Managing directors get the company to pay the bills, and then get a personal cleaning allowance, for these, afterwards, women who claim for makeup are also getting these allowances, if they can prove that this is a job requirement, and they do not wear it normally, even for nail polish ! best of all you can claim for the cost of cleaning if you are successful at getting a clothing allowance, and for the cost of a briefcase, for work if it is needed and you would not normally have one, and even the cost of a lunch box, if you must eat away from home as part of the job you do, and even the cost of lunch is a tax deductible under the right circumstances, ( SEE ABOVE ),  

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