
Can I collect unemployment if I was fired?

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Can I collect unemployment if I was fired?




  1. You can't collect unless you apply. The worst thing that can happen is they tell you no.

  2. Yes! That's what it's for. If you voluntarily quit you are uneligible but if you got fired you are most certainly entitled to unemployment. Apply for it and make sure you do as they ask, be available for a phone call interview etc. Present your case and good luck! I got fired and got it.

  3. you can collect unemployment if you're unemployed... that's why it's called unemployment benefit.

  4. Depends on why you were fired.  If it was for misconduct, like you stole something or punched somebody, no.  If you were fired because you weren't able to do the work, you can probably get unemployment.

  5. Apply!!!   Many times, they have accomplished what they want----they no longer have you around.

    Many times, unless you were fired for dishonesty or theft, they may not protest your unemployment.

    When you are fired and file  for unemployment, the UC people sent a form to the former employer, asking why you were terminated.

    Their reply will determine whether or not you collect.Many times, they will not protest. But you;ll never know if you don't apply,.

  6. Generally not.  If you apply for unemployment you could ask for a hearing to present your side of the story if/when you are denied.  It's a long shot, but it has been know to happen in unusual circumstances.

  7. Whether or not you are eligible is determined by the reason for you getting fired. ie...whether or not you were at fault.

    If you were fired because you caught making copies of your butt on the copier then no, you can't collect. ...but if you were fired because you didn't have enough education or training to do the job satisfactorily you can get unemployment.

    I had one employer fire me for not having enough education to keep up. I filed for unemployment and was denied because my employer lied about my termination reason. I couldn't even get an appeal.

  8. Yes, you can claim unemployment.  I was fired from my job and when my claim was submitted I was initially denied but they send you a letter advising you that you have 20 days to appeal.  You must appeal in that 20 days, if you are still denied after the 20 days, then there is a waiting period of 8 weeks and then you automatically start receiving the benefits.  Hope I helped.

  9. Only if you were fires without cause, for instance, the company burnt down.

    If you were fired for a reason that had anything to do with you then no, you are not eligible.

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