
Can I compost bird waste?

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I have a few birds and they can be messy. I line their cages with newspaper. Once a week I take newspaper out with seed shells, p**p, and a few feathers on top and throw them in the garbage. Is this something I can add to my compost pile instead?




  1. Bird waste will be great in your compost as well as the newspaper you use for lining the cage.  The only problem is if you compost does not get hot enough the seeds that you have in with it will grow.

  2. Yes, you can.  Poultry waste compost is wonderful.

  3. Of course... anything that decomposes can be added to the compost heap

  4. have you seen bird turds? take a look at the splatterings on statues, sidewalks or even on your car, they don't break down very easy and plus they can carry diseases.  

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