
Can I connect Router 2 Router?

by  |  earlier

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Hi I have an Xbox 360 and my normal computer.I have a router set up in my family room that connects to the cable outlet. And see,I had to get a 40 foot ethernet cable to connect to my computer and the router because my USB adapter needed a patch. Well the patch finally came out, but I lost my adapter haha. Anyways so I needed some way to get my 360 and Computer on the same router. Can I connect one of my routers to another router in my room through ethernet cables? After they're hooked up I use two more ethernet cables to connect the 360 and the computer to the router in my room. So, in all transition Im asking to put a router in my room connect it to my computer and 360, then connect the router in my room to the one in my den, then connect the one in my den to the internet? Will I be able to get internet?




  1. i did it, i had two routers and did like exactley what you are saying.i didn't need to disable NAT or anything, it worked fine when i first plugged it in. I think your good to go. i agree that if you don't already have the router eather get a 4 port hub, or go wireless.

  2. Don't move the first router. Buy a wireless one and hook it up with a short cable. Plug it into the XBOX and wireless connect from your computer.

  3. so if i understand you correctly you want to run router to router so that your xbox can talk to the router?

    if you havent already bought the router, I suggest a 4 port switch and plug it into the router.

    If youve already bought the router, its overkill but youll have to turn it to a switch, disable dns and all other NAT features and you can turn it into a dumb switch.

    btw, Ive done that with 2 linksys routers, and know it works fine.

    i just wish someone could help me with port forwarding..LOL



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