
Can I connect multiple laptops with a verizon card and wireless router?

by  |  earlier

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I have a laptop with a verizon wireless card, a D-link wireless router, and multiple wireless laptops. What I would like to do is use my verizon card and laptop as the gateway to the internet and have other laptops or Sony PSP connect to the internet through that shared connection. I can either cable directly to the Dlink router or run it wirelessly. I believe its possible but I'm unsure how to do it.




  1. Very interesting.  I would be amazed if this works.  With the packet method of transmission on the aircard in conjunction with the ICS and router, then wireless.  

    Please report back whatever happens.

    I'll be amazed if you get it working with any useful results.

  2. If I were you using multiple laptops, get a wireless router and set it up with the modem and one computer and create a wireless netowork.

    Good Luck

  3. Rob C is totally correct.. you can do just that.  You can also get a router that you plug your aircard into and all machines then work using that router. Like the Kyocera

    I think Dlink even has one of these now.

    add  here is the link

    So do it either way but I like the router that uses the aircard!

    All your local machines then just use wifi to connect to the router (or eithernet) the aircard then connects to the internet.

  4. This is possible but your speeds are going to be VERY slow.

    Create a ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) on your computer with the aircard connected to it.

    Basically what you do is open up Network Connections, select both your aircard connection and your lan connection, right click and hit bridge connections. This will link your air card to lan connection.

    Next run a Wire from your lan connection to the WAN port on your router, your router now has a solid connection and you can setup a wireless/wired network as normal.

    Good Luck.

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