
Can I consider myself a serious gamer?

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I like to consider myself a serious gamer. I love games from grand theft auto to God of War to Leisure Suit Larry to Sims to Burnout Paradise to Heavenly Sword. But I can't get into Shooter games. I suck so bad at them and practice doesn't help. lol. So can I be a serious gamer without liking shooters? it seems that any serious gamer I hear of love shooters.




  1. You don't have to like a specific genre to be a "serious" gamer.  All gamers have different tastes.  Personally, I have a strong preference for RPGs.  I kind of suck at hardcore shooters, too, but I do have to admit, I like a handful of them (Bioshock is freaking awesome).  It's the people out there who play shooters and nothing but shooters, that aren't serious about gaming... you can't ignore the scores of other games on the market and expect to be taken seriously as a gamer.  ;)

  2. You don't have to like shooters to be a serious gamer. Everyone I know who's a gamer, including me, doesn't really like shooters. That, and there's different types of gamers in my opinion. My husband and a bunch of his friends are RPG gamers. Me, and a few others I know are general Wii gamers.

  3. well true gamers do shooters but sreious doesn't do all there a a very few who play every genre so you are a serious gamer that is where i would put myself i have a problem of beating games too quick tso i love long games like GTA 4 took me 3 week with side missions but you are one

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