
Can I contact someone to turn off a street light?

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Hi i live in Lynn, MA and I was wondering if I can contact city hall or something/someone to turn off a street light because it will be really close to my halloween display and it will ruin the black-light effects and other stuff and the streetlight is very bright!! It usually ruins the display... :( if this is a very dumb question just don't bother, but if u can help, that would be great!

Thanks!!! James (aka Halloween Lover 18) lol




  1. As far as I know, the covers on the street lights are held in place using 4 Phillips head screws. If you can get a Phillips head screwdriver and perhaps a ladder (or a rope which can be lassoed on the street lamp and climbed up) you can easily remove the cover and take out the bulb. If taking out the bulb proves too difficult, there are a group of wires which can be cut to disrupt the flow of electrons to the bulb, effectively shutting it off. Good luck!

  2. ur realy far from holoween jus contact the cit if not jus break the light the worst they can do is give u is a 15$ fine

  3. OK don't ask me how I know this but I "heard" that if you whack the base with a brick or skateboard it will temporarily knock off the light. You'd have to go out there every five minutes or so, but hey, at least you didn't really vandalize anything.

  4. I used to work for a city department that handled street lighting.  If someone requested a light to be turned off there would be no way we would even consider the request.

    That's really about it.  It wouldn't even be an issue.

  5. Just climb up there and put a dark lamp shade on it.

  6. I live in MA too and one thing I've learned by living in this state... they take FOREVER to repair streetlights!!! Just... break it three days before halloween and don't say anything... hahhahaaa.

  7. Oh just shoot the d**n thing out!

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