
Can I continue to go to public high school after getting a diploma?

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I have ADHD and expressive and receptive language issues. I wasn't passing subjects in middle school so my parents decided to send me to an out-of-state boarding school for kids with learning differences and have since been passing my academic subjects with a "B" average. I am entering my senior year and I wanted to go back to my public high school which is in a NYS suburb but since I never passed any regents or RCT's I wouldn't be able to graduate with a regents diploma. This makes it hard to get into a NYS college. I have become a more serious student and I believe I can do better now if I had a chance but my parents think I should stay put and get my diploma from the school I'm attending. I know I'm NOT academically ready for college. I want to continue going to the public high school where I live for one more year after I graduate from this out-of-state high school so that I can improve my writing and math skills before I go to college. I don't want to start college not feeling prepared. I know I can take remedial courses in college but why should my parents have to pay for what I should have been taught in high school.




  1. definitely, just said a letter and they'll understand

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