
Can I convert an incoming fax using a telephone line to digital content?

by  |  earlier

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I own a business and have a fax line that has been the same for years and I do not want to change it since everyone knows the number. However, I am not always in the office to receive important faxes.

Is it possible, or is there a program/device, that will receive the faxes via the phone line - using the existing number - and then convert them to digital content and send them to an email address automatically?




  1. There are a couple ways to do this.

    One you could just call-forward the phone line to one of the many faxing services out there, most of them will give you a phone number and deliver faxes via email.  No upfront cost but you'll possibly pay per page or per minute fees based on who you pick and if they are long distance.

    Two any of the better PC based faxing programs out there can do this, and you would have to get a fax/modem for your PC.  This has upfront costs of the software, possibly a fax/modem if you don't have one and depending on your volume maybe even a dedicated PC.  Shouldn't have any additional (over your existing phone line) costs.

    Third there are fax devices you can use.  Most of these are something along the lines of plug in the phone line, plug in the ethernet, and they capture the fax and email it.  This is probably more expensive up front but is the best solution for heavy volume.  Again you shouldn't have any additional monthly costs outside of the phone line.

  2. Try Online faxing. Faxes are sent straight to your email. It's very easy. Take a look at

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